This Mumbai event was dazzling with stars and how. The Dadasaheb Phalke International Film Festival Awards, held in Mumbai last night, were preceded by a grand red carpet event. Alia Bhatt and veteran actor Rekha gave us a precious red carpet moment. The actresses posed together, dressed in ivory sarees. The actresses greeted each other on the red carpet and made for some picture-perfect moments. Alia Bhatt won the Best Actress Award at the film fest. She also collected the trophy for her husband Ranbir Kapoor, who was MIA at the event. He was awarded the Best Actor prize for Brahmastra.
See the photos from the red carpet here:
Alia Bhatt will make her Hollywood debut with Heart Of Stone, co-starring Gal Gadot. Other than that, the actress has multiple films in the line-up. Alia Bhatt had four film releases last year - RRR, Gangubai Kathiawadi and Brahmastra - all of which received stellar box office collections. She also starred in and co-produced Darlings, which released on Netflix and received positive reviews.
Rekha is best-known for her performances in films such as Umrao Jaan (1981), for which she even won the National Film Award for Best Actress, Khubsoorat (1980), Ghar, Judaai, Mujhe Insaaf Chahiye, Khoon Bhari Maang, Khiladiyon Ka Khiladi and Silsila. She was last seen in R Balki-directed Shamitabh, which released in 2015. The actress also featured in a special medley song in the 2018 film Yamla Pagla Deewana: Phir Se.
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