Ahead of Pathaan's release, Shah Rukh Khan watched the film at Yash Raj Studios along with his family on Monday. The film is slated to release on January 25 but a special screening was hosted at the beginning of the week in Mumbai. The film's lead actor Shah Rukh Khan was accompanied by wife Gauri, son Aryan and daughter Suhana Khan at the screening. We got a glimpse of Shah Rukh Khan outside the venue. Suhana and Aryan Khan were all smiles as they were pictured at the screening.
See photos from the Pathaan screening here:
Meanwhile, Pathaan took over the tallest building in the world. The film's trailer was displayed on the Burj Khalifa recently. The video was shared by the makers.
Pathaan is one of the most awaited films of 2023. The film has been directed by Siddharth Anand and it has been produced by Yash Raj Films. The film stars Deepika Padukone alongside SRK and features John Abraham as the antagonist. In Pathaan, John Abraham plays the leader of a private terror group, whose only mission is to destroy India. Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone feature as agents who work together to save India from John Abraham's malicious mission.
The film will release in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu on January 25, 2023. Pathaan marks Shah Rukh Khan and John Abraham's first collaboration. It will be Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone's 4th project together. The duo have earlier worked together in films like Happy New Year and Chennai Express and Om Shanti Om, which marked Deepika Padukone's Bollywood debut.
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