No Ambani party is complete without a slew of stars and Thursday night's party was not any different. The occasion - Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's engagement party. The guestlist comprised Bollywood A-listers. Shah Rukh Khan skipped the photo-op session. However, the star was clicked entering the venue. SRK's wife Gauri and son Aryan happily posed for the cameras stationed at the venue. Salman Khan's plus one for the party was his niece Alizeh Agnihotri. The Bachchans were represented by Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and daughter Aaradhya. Amitabh Bachchan, who is in Riyadh for a grand football event, was MIA from the bash. Star couple Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone showed up in their festive finery. Katrina Kaif arrived minus husband Vicky Kaushal.
See photos of the guests here:
Most of the actresses showed up in white. Katrina Kaif was every bit stunning in a white sharara set. Ananya Panday and Sara Ali Khan went for a similar palette. As did Khushi Kapoor, who attended the bash with sister Janhvi. Janhvi added a dash of bling to the party in an embellished lehenga. The sister duo posed together.
Ananya Panday pictured with Arjun Kapoor and Orhan Awatramani at the party.
Among other big guests at the Ambani party were Akshay Kumar, John Abraham, who was probably the only star to attend the party in a casual outfit and sneakers. He did pose for the cameras nonetheless. Karan Johar was also clicked at the grand party.
Varun Dhawan and wife Natasha Dalal attended the party together. Neetu Kapoor was pictured at the party venue with nephew Armaan Jain and his wife Anissa Malhotra. Neetu Kapoor's son Ranbir and her daughter-in-law Alia Bhatt, who were clicked at Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant pre-wedding function last month, were missing from this one.
Filmmaker and Aamir Khan's ex-wife Kiran Rao and singer Shreya Ghoshal were among the early guests at Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's engagement party.
Anant is the son of Mukesh and Nita Ambani. Radhika Merchant is the daughter of industrialist Viren Merchant. The families announced in 2019 that Anant and Radhika would get married.
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